Things I didn’t expect to happen while in labor and delivery
I’m just going to come out and say it. No one cares if you poop on the table. There, I said it. I remember being so worried about that the closer it got to my due date. But once you are in the mode of getting the baby out and feeling the pressure waves of labor, the last thing on your mind will be pooping when the baby comes out. Here’s the thing, if you do happen to let it loose, the nurse or midwife will just wipe it away. No one is going to say anything, so don’t worry about that.
You may pass gas. I remember rocking on the side of the bed while laboring at home and I was basically machine-gunning it(as I like to call it) out of my behind. It’s natural and although it may be a tad bit embarrassing, your body is preparing to push a baby out. You have an excuse to let your body function however is necessary.
You may feel nauseous due to the pain you may be enduring. Once I hit active labor, I felt overwhelming feelings of nausea and just made sure to keep a bag or bucket near me.
You can eat during labor, just don’t eat really heavy. The reason for not eating during labor in hospitals comes from the idea that you could possibly aspirate if doctors need to put you under anesthesia. Having a piece of fruit here or there is okay and make sure to drink plenty of fluids.
You may decide to change your mind on how your birth was originally planned. Let me just say, this is the most important of them all. If you planned on having an unmedicated birth at home but have to go to the hospital, although it may be disappointing, it doesn’t change the fact that you did something awesome. You carried a baby in your belly and then gave birth to them. I know sometimes we have our hearts set on birthing a certain way, but if you decide to change your mind don’t listen to family or friends who may have the “I told you so” mentality. Do what’s best for you during your birthing process and be proud of it.