What to look for when searching for a Doula

Make sure you’re not looking for someone to replace a medical professional.

Doulas are not trained medical professionals. If you are looking for someone to attend to your birth that you plan to do unassisted, understand that this is a huge risk for liability for all parties involved. Some doulas don’t mind attending unassisted births but this is out of the scope and practice of what a doula offers.

Doulas are not one size fits all. 

We all have different philosophies, outlooks, and experiences. Make sure when you are looking for a doula, you find out what is important to them. While I would love to say that all doulas can match with each pregnant person that would be a false statement. It’s okay to interview multiple doulas, and sometimes you may feel better meshed with particular ones.

Experience and Certification.

So here’s the reality, a trained and certified doula has gotten the tools and hopefully has continued to expand their list of resources to be able to tend to any client. Don’t be scared off by the fact that a doula has not attended any births on their own. Everyone has to start somewhere. I remember hoping someone would take a chance on me, being a new doula and all, and I’m just grateful for the connections I have made thus far to connect me to people in the community. There are over 300 training and certifying organizations for doulas, all ranging from affordable to very expensive. On the other hand, doulas can practice without being certified and just because they don’t have the certification does not make them any less informed on their role. 

Location matters.

When I was pregnant, I remember researching doulas and finding one I thought was perfect. The only problem was that she was 3 hours away. While some doulas may be willing to travel the distance to get to you, make sure you’re being realistic with who you choose and how long it may take for them to get to you. Most doulas will go up to 2 hours one way, but make sure you’re willing to wait the time it may take if you choose a doula that is especially far away.

Schedule and Availability.

If you are pregnant and find a doula you would like to hire, don’t wait until the end of your pregnancy. Reach out to them very early, especially if it’s a very well known doula. A lot of doulas only accept a few births a month so if you want to make it on their calendar, reach out to them sooner rather than later. 


I am a firm believer that anybody that wants a doula should have access to one. Doulas are considered a luxury and in most cases may be pricey to a lot of people. If you really want a doula, don’t be afraid to ask about payment plans and sliding scales. Some doulas even offer services for free, because they love the job just that much. Remember that just because a doula is the most expensive, that doesn’t mean they are the best and just because a doula is the cheapest doesn’t mean they are the worst. 

What services they offer.

Not all doulas offer many different types of services. Some doulas are only birth doulas or postpartum or bereavement. If you are concerned with certification, make sure you find a doula who is trained in the field you intending to hire. 


Kailyn is a birth and Postpartum doula living and working in Northern Dallas. She’s passionate about all things related to birth.


My Experience with Madriella Doula Network (COUPON CODE AT THE END)


Things I didn’t expect to happen while in labor and delivery