What to put in Your Doula Bag

So you’ll probably hear a lot of different opinions on what you need but I like to carry everything just in case. If you’re considering being a doula and want a recommendation on an organization I trained with check out my post here. I’m going to hop right into it.

Honey Sticks

These are great to give to someone who is laboring for a quick zing for energy.


Encouraging hydration is so important and keeping straws makes it to where no matter what position my client is in, they can hydrate.


If clients want to bring their own that’s always good, but if they don’t I bring my Elle TENS along with a whole bag of the sticky probes. I used to keep batteries in my bag too just in case, but now I just check it beforehand and keep some extra batteries in the car.


This is such an awesome tool that I bring with me to every birth. It can be useful for spinning babies techniques, supporting them while their leaning, and if during labor the mom just wants to be alone for a while, we can tie it in a knot for counter pressure.


Self explanatory. Always bring snacks to nourish yourself. I get really excited during births and sometimes don’t eat them but it’s nice to have them regardless.


If you’re eating or even if you sleep, it’s nice to have a quick refresher really quick. I bring multiple flavors just in case the mom is sensitive to certain smells.


Also self explanatory. If you are there for many hours it’s a good idea to have a way to freshen your mouth.

Extra set of clothes and underwear

You never know what fluids you’ll come in contact with so it’s always nice to change clothes if it’s a particularly long birth.


Sometimes when my clients get epidurals and fall asleep, I put in my headphones to listen to books or watch videos while I wait for position changes.


Most of my clients bring their own speakers but for the ones that don’t and need some good music, I’ll set mine up for them.


There’s nothing worse than needing to check in on your family and your phone is dying. Always bring a charger.

Massage roller

I don’t use this often but it’s great for the legs after an epidural and on the lower back if the mom likes counter pressure.

Ziploc Bags and Sharpie

I am a placenta encapsulator so I always keep these just in case I take a placenta with me in my cooler.

Dry Erase Marker

So often, the boards don’t get filled out with all the information, so I will fill it out myself so the nurses don’t have to ask the same questions over and over again.

Baby wipes

Beneficial for freshening up after a long birth.

Diffuser and Oils

Helps set the mood. I bought a very basic diffuser and always keep Lemon, Lavender, Clary Sage, Peppermint, and if I remember, I’ll throw in eucalyptus.

Menstrual Pads

Being around birth will make your period start early and I learned this the hard way at my first few births. I always keep at least 2-3 pads in my bag when I know I’m getting close to starting to avoid the mess.

Handheld Fan

Being in labor naturally causes the temperature to fluctuate and it helps to have a small fan to cool down with. If you plan to do any walking outside in the heat it can be a great addition to the walk.

The wonderful thing about us being doulas is we can pack whatever we want in our bags. I keep my bag ready to go but there have been times where I get called while I’m out and too far away from home and I show up with my hands and my heart. Those are enough to get my clients through but it’s definitely nice to have to assistance of all my tools. What do you want to keep in your doula bag?


Kailyn is a birth and Postpartum doula living and working in Northern Dallas. She’s passionate about all things related to birth.


Becoming A Doula As A Single Parent